8th Grade
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Works Consulted:
- Minimum of TWO information sources required
- One of those sources must be the YOUCAT
- Britannica Academic (database → original content)
- Britannica School (database → original content)
- Gale eBooks
- Gale in Context: Middle School
- Oxford Reference
- World Book Student (database → original content)
- World Religions
Saints Project
Works Consulted:
- Minimum of FOUR informational sources:
- one source for each of the initial three saints you choose to research
- another source for whichever saint you decide to research further
- Please ONLY use databases and websites from this research guide — do not use random websites you have found on your own!
- Books from the library are also available
- For all images, use any of the following:
- Creative Commons
- Google Image search with Tools set to Usage Rights → Creative Commons licenses
- Photos for Class
- ArtStor
- Books will be available in the library bag, but feel free to also search on the online library catalog for anything you need
- Britannica Academic (database → original content)
- Britannica School (database → original content)
- Gale eBooks (database → book or reference source [depending on publication])
- Gale in Context: Middle School (database → magazine, or journal, or book, or reference source, etc. To figure it out, look at hyperlink at top of article, next to word "from")
- Oxford Reference (database → book or reference source [depending on publication])
- World Book Student (database → original content)
- World Religions (database → original content)
Websites: (website → web page)
- Catholic Online: Saints & Angels
- FaithND (select "View Archived" from the dropdown menu)
- Mystics of the Church
- Orthodox Church in America
- Roman Catholic Saints (look at list of saints A–Z on left-side of page)
- Sacred Heart Education
Civil War Project
Project Guidelines:
- PROJECT DUE DATES: 8-1 / 8-2 / 8-3
- Sample notecards
- Sample Essay (with in-text citations)
- Style Sheet (this will answer most of your how-to questions about parenthetical citations)
- Common Errors with in-text citations
Project Resources:
- Keep track of your sources AS YOU FIND THEM using NoodleTools.
- If you find your own website using a search engine, you must fill out a website evaluation checklist. Make sure to leave ample time to have Ms. Coan review it!
- Print Resources
- There are 90+ print resources available, including primary sources. To find them, search the library catalog or ask Ms. Coan for recommendations.
- African-American History (primary, secondary)
- American History (primary, secondary)
- Daily Life Through History (primary, secondary)
- EBSCOhost (secondary)
- Gale eBooks (secondary)
- Gale in Context: Middle School (secondary)
- Gale OneFile: U.S. History (secondary)
- Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism (secondary)
- Gilder Lehrman: American History, 1493-1945 (primary)
- Issues & Controversies in History (primary, secondary)
- Oxford Reference (secondary)
- Smithsonian Primary Sources (primary)
*You may use ONE article from ONE of the following databases as a jumping off point for your research*:
- Britannica Academic (secondary)
- Britannica School (secondary)
- World Book Student (secondary)
Morality Project
Works Consulted
- You must have eight informational sources for this project. Keep track of your sources AS YOU FIND THEM using NoodleTools
- Creative Commons
- Google Image search with Tools set to Usage Rights → Creative Commons licenses
- Photos for Class
- Britannica School (database → original content)
- Gale in Context: Middle School
- Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
- SIRS Discoverer
- Teen Health and Wellness (database → original content)
- World Book (database → original content)
- Bible Gateway (website → book → print publication information provided)
Websites (website → web page)
Conscience Formation Tools Project
Works Consulted
- Must have at least EIGHT informational sources
- Creative Commons
- Google Image search with Tools set to Usage Rights → Creative Commons licenses
- Photos for Class
- Picryl
- Bible Gateway
- NOTE: cite this as a website (on NoodleTools, choose website→book). Make sure to include the URL, and use the bible publication information that is listed below the passage. See Ms. Molina if you are unsure about how to do this.
- Call to Faith: Morality — NOTE: cite this as you would a basic book.
- US Conference of Catholic Bishops: Morality
- YOUCAT — NOTE: cite this as you would a basic book. Full title is YOUCAT: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church.
- American Psychological Association (website)
- Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints (database)
- Teen Health & Wellness (database)
- National Public Radio
- Official Website of the City of New York
- Convent of the Sacred Heart
- Student handbook — NOTE: cite this as you would a basic book. Author group is Convent of the Sacred Heart. Look for publication information on the title page.
Elizabethan Project
Works Consulted:
- Minimum of TWO information sources required
- Please use only the resources listed below (do not use Google to find more information)
Books and Images:
- Books will be available in the library bag, but feel free to also search on the online library catalog for anything you need.
- Formal citations for images are NOT necessary
- Instead, include a list of image URLs at the end of your slideshow/last page of your Google Doc
- Images used need to have Creative Commons liceneses:
- From your search on Google Images, choose Tools → Usage Rights → Creative Commons licenses
- Picryl and Photos for Class are other great options
- Britannica Academic (database → original content)
- Britannica School (database → original content)
- Daily Life Through History: Elizabethan England
- Gale in Context: Middle School
- World Book Student (database → original content)
- Amusements and Pastimes in Elizabethan England
- Daily Life in Elizabethan England: The Contrasting Lives of Rich, Middling and Poor
- Courtship and Marriage
- The Elizabethan Court
- Elizabethan Education
- Food in Elizabethan England
- The Four Humors: Eating in the Renaissance
- Shakespeare's Theater
- Shakespeare's Life and World
- The Social Structure in Elizabethan England